News & Updates

Next Membership Meeting

March 2025

In person: Southern Missouri

Date, Time & Location TBD

January 2025 President’s Letter

Welcome to a new era in MMA decision-making! 

In September we proposed, and in November we unanimously adopted a 90% approval requirement for our consensus process. Additionally, we decided that we are now submitting any decisions requiring consensus to all members via email for them to review and vote on. 

On January 16, we had our membership meeting and discussed proposed bylaw changes as well as reviewed a new position statement to be released publicly regarding student preceptor relationships. 

A full overview of the proposed bylaw changes can be found in the December 2024 Bylaw Change Proposals and Summary

These changes were discussed and approved by the attendees of that meeting and will be voted on by the general membership in the coming weeks. We have begun the process of setting up electronic voting and working out the kinks in the system. Thank you for your patience and cooperation with that process!

A summary of the discussion of the proposals can be found in the January Membership Meeting Minutes.

Please review both of these documents in preparation to vote when the official ballot is released.

Members who attended the Zoom session on Thursday, January 16 had their votes recorded at that meeting and will not receive an invitation to submit an electronic vote on the bylaws change.

All proposed bylaw changes were approved at the membership meeting by unanimous consensus among the attendees.

The best way to participate in the discussion of these changes is in-person or via Zoom during membership meetings. The second best ways are our online community gathering places:

  • MMA Membership Community - Our members-only Facebook page is a great place to get updates on MMA and other midwifery news as well as ask questions and engage in discussions. This is also where files such as copies of our bylaws and meeting minutes can be found. It is invitation only, which you should have received shortly after your most recent membership renewal. If you did not receive an invitation, cannot find it, or need to request a new one, please email 

  • MMA Membership Google Group - Our members-only Google group is an email messaging system. You can post like a chat room or send/receive emails using this site.  It is invitation only, which you should have received shortly after your most recent membership renewal. If you did not receive an invitation, cannot find it, or need to request a new one, please email

    Calls for Action

  1. Check your email for an update on the above issues and a link to participate in the first round of test voting. It may require multiple rounds of test runs to ensure all members are enfranchised in this process, so please stay alert for MMA communications and voting requests.

  2. Consider serving on a committee. Contact if you’re willing to help! Current openings include:

    1. Peer Review Committee Chairperson - This role is for someone interested in assisting with peer review statewide. If a member requests a private peer review, this chairperson will help arrange it. If members have questions about the peer review process, this chairperson will answer them or help find the answers.

    2. Public Relations Committee Chairperson - This role is for someone interested in social media and community engagement. This chairperson will monitor social media accounts and engage with the broader community on MMA’s behalf.

    3. Legislative Committee Chairperson - This role is for someone interested in the legislative process and it’s impact on midwives and our clients. This chairperson will review proposed legislation regularly throughout the legislative session, engage with legislators and community members on MMA’s behalf, and assist in lobbying efforts when needed.

  3. If you are not currently a member, please renew your membership.

  4. Attend a local peer review.

Thank you!

Katy Miller, CPM

MMA Board President