MMA’s Directory of Midwives is a list of active, credentialed MMA Members. It is provided as a benefit of membership and as a public service. It does not imply the endorsement of member midwives. Some midwives have chosen not to be listed. Their absence should not be construed as a censure of their practice. It is up to the consumer to fully research provider choices.
For further information about the credentialing of midwives, see The North American Registry of Midwives at narm.org and The American College of Nurse Midwives at acnm.org.
The regions of the state represent general areas. Midwives in one region may serve families in other regions as well. Please contact the individual midwife to inquire about what area of the state she serves.
Kansas City Area
Email: darcie.mendenhall@gmail.com
Phone: 816-446-9416
Email: ashley@noplacelikehomebirth.com
Phone: (913)270-6909
No Place Like Home Birth is small home birth midwifery practice based out of Lenexa, KS. Care is provided by
Ashley Cavender, a certified professional midwife, provides hands-on, comprehensive, in-home maternity care for clients within a 30 minute radius from her home. Ashley completed her schooling with Midwives College of Utah while attending more than 150 births with local midwives and earned her Bachelor of Science in Midwifery.
Veronica Mullet, CPM & CNM
Phone: (816)648-0998
Address: Independence, MO
Email: blossommidwives@gmail.com
Website: www.blossommidwiferykc.com
Serving the Kansas City area with homebirth services and wellness care
Email: fruitfullvinemidwiferykc@gmail.com
Phone: 785-213-4087
Website: www.fruitfulvinemidwiferykc.com
Christian midwife providing home birth care for women in the KC metro area. Individualized care with emphasis on informed decision making.
Email: godsmidwife@gmail.com,
Phone: 816-699-6416
Home birth midwife for over 20 years. I take a limited number of clients each month so you get individualized care in your home. I do all prenatal and postpartum visits in your home.
North MO
Caylie Crawford, CPM
Address: Unionville, MO
Phone: 660-342-0613
Offering a home birth option to Northern Missouri and Southern Iowa, surrounding the Putnam County area. Providing preconception counseling, well woman appointments, prenatal visits throughout pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum care!
Sarah Peters, CPM
Email: sara.p.midwife@gmail.com
Address: Memphis, MO
Phone: (660) 342-3954
Homebirth midwife serving Northeast Missouri and Southeast Iowa. For testimonials and more information, visit homebirthnaturally.com.
Central MO
Sabrina Bias
Email: sabrinabias10@gmail.com
Phone: 573-239-0047
Address: 3512 N Creasy Springs Rd, Columbia, MO 65202
I empower women through providing respectful care and gentle birth in a shared decision making fashion. I serve women who live within an hour of Columbia. I specialize in VBAC and water birth offering both home birth and a beautiful birthing suite in my office.
Julie Ferdman, CPM
Email: spiral.midwife@gmail.com
Phone: 314-374-8757
Emma Thomas, CPM
Address: 218 West Gay St, Warrensburg, MO 64093
email: gracefulmidwife@gmail.com
Phone: 660-422-2261
Christian Certified Professional Midwife providing home birth care for women in the Johnson, Pettis, Miller, Morgan and Moniteau county area.
Katy Miller, CPM
Website: www.birthstrong.com
email: katy@birthstrong.com
Phone: 573-397-1159
Dawn Finney, CPM
Address: 1001 Plymouth Dr. Columbia, M0. 65203
email: midwifedawncpm@gmail.com
Phone: 573-514-1179
Dawn Finney CPM is an experienced midwife who offers holistic, respectful maternity care, home birth, and other services in a 60-mile radius of Columbia, Missouri.
Janet Akremi, MD, BSM, CPM
Email: jakremi123@gmail.com
Phone: (660) 422-1292
I serve birthing people within about 90 minutes of my Pilot Grove location with individualized care for home birth, including a sliding scale and childbirth classes, from preconception to 12 weeks postpartum.
St. Louis Area
Michaela Baldwin, CPM
Phone: (314)399-9365
Email: prairiechildmidwifery@gmail.com
Website: https://www.prairiechildmidwifery.com
Serving the St. Louis & Southwestern Illinois regions.
Diana Hopkins, CPM
Website: http://chrysalisbirthservices.com/
Phone: 573-701-7033
Email: dianahopkins2020@gmail.com
Serving the greater St Louis area with holistic and appropriate care for expectant families.
Megan Oberg, CPM
Website: www.mind-body-birth.comFB: www.facebook.com/Mind.Body.Birth
Email: midwife@mind-body-birth.com
Based in Washington, MO
Jessica Henman
Website: https://www.primrosemidwifery.com/
Phone: 314-944-3646
Email: jessica@primrosemidwifery.com
Serving the greater St Louis area for pregnancy, birth, newborn and women's primary care.
Okunsola M. Amadou, CPM
Phone: 314-365-2695
Email: okunsola@jamaabirthvillage.org
Jamaa Birth Village provides holistic and culturally rooted Midwifery care services in Ferguson, Missouri serving the greater St. Louis Metropolitan area.
Jennifer Konkol, CPM
Phone: (618) 610-4777
Email: Konkol.jennifer@gmail.com
Website: www.peacefulbeginningsmidwife.com
Serving the St. Louis, MO area
Springfield Area
Deborah Smithey, CPM
Jessica Reighard, CPM,
Crystal Ferguson, CPM
Website: MissouriMidwife.com
Phone: 417-751-0040
Email: Contact@missourimidwife.com
We are a homebirth midwife practice serving southwest Missouri including Springfield and the surrounding area within a 1-hour drive.
South MO
Belinda Tucker, CPM
Phone: 870-404-2986
Address: 606 Locust St. Moutain Home, AR
I live in Mountain Home AR and do most of my births at my birth house that is 1.6 miles from the hospital.
Sheryl Whipple CPM
Phone: 417 259 6221
Email: missouricreek@gmail.com
I cover an area of an hour in every direction from Mountain Grove, Missouri which includes West Plains, Cabool, Willow Springs, Mountain View, Houston, Plato, Manes, Marshfield, Hartville, Seymour, Ava, Good Hope, Vanzan, etc
Amy Garrison, CNM & CPM
Email: agarrisonmidwife@gmail.com
Phone: 417 293 2691